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Tether ERC20 Dash
Monero Dash
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Bitcoin TRON
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Bitcoin Dash
Litecoin Tether ERC20
Bitcoin Litecoin
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Litecoin Perfect Money USD
Ethereum Monero
Ripple Monero
Litecoin TRON
Ripple Litecoin
1 BTC 3 900 027 RUB
1 BTC 64 508.5 USD
1 USD 92.1314 RUB
Total exchangers: 57 | Total courses : 23631 | Course Update : 06:22:12

Litecoin - peer-to-peer internet currency that includes almost zero cost payments to anywhere in the world. Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is completely decentralized and has no control from any central authority. The math secures the network and empowers people to manage their own finances. Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With strong industry support, trading volume and liquidity, Litecoin is a proven medium for commerce in addition to Bitcoin.

Official site:
Exchange rate now: 1 LTC = 84.96 USD

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Cryptocurrency is a kind of digital currency, the creation and control of which are based on cryptographic methods.