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Dash Bitcoin
Dash Tether TRC20
Litecoin Dash
Tether ERC20 Ripple
Litecoin Ethereum
Ethereum Dash
Tether ERC20 Dash
Monero Dash
Zcash Ethereum
Bitcoin TRON
Ripple Ethereum
Ethereum Bitcoin
Bitcoin Cash Solana
VeChain Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Dash
Litecoin Tether ERC20
Bitcoin Litecoin
Ripple Bitcoin
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Dash Ethereum
Litecoin Perfect Money USD
Ethereum Monero
Ripple Monero
Litecoin TRON
Ripple Litecoin
1 BTC 3 900 027 RUB
1 BTC 64 436.5 USD
1 USD 92.1314 RUB
Total exchangers: 57 | Total courses : 24271 | Course Update : 16:07:40
Advanced Cash EUR
Advanced Cash EUR
Advanced Cash EUR

Advanced Cash is a payment platform that combines various deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank cards, major cryptocurrencies, bank transfers and others. Tools for accepting payments and sending mass payments for merchants are offered. Work is underway to launch card programs for different regions, including Russia, the European uniоn, the whole world, including Russia and the CIS.

Official site:
Exchange rate now: 1 ADVCEUR = 1.072 USD

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Electronic money is understood as systems for storing and transferring both traditional currencies and non-state private currencies - the circulation of electronic money can be carried out both according to the rules established or agreed with state central banks, and according to the own rules of non-state payment systems.