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1 BTC 3 900 027 RUB
1 BTC 64 033.5 USD
1 USD 93.2918 RUB
Total exchangers: 57 | Total courses : 23650 | Course Update : 23:36:39

The Western uniоn Company is an American company specializing in the provision of money intermediation services. Founded in 1851. It is one of the leaders in the international money transfer market. In the Fortune 500 in 2009, the company ranked 451st, having moved up from 473rd in 2008. The company's revenue for 2007 amounted to $4.9 billion, and the number of transactions amounted to 572 million. Prior to the transition to money transfers, the company provided telegraph services.

Official site:
Exchange rate now: 1 WUUSD = 1 USD

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A money transfer is a transfer of funds from a sender to a recipient with the help of payment system operators through national or international payment systems for the purpose of crediting funds to the recipient's account or issuing them in cash.